We embarked on a major transformation
initiative at Milk Mantra to implement SAP.
Moo’ksha is our ERP implementation project of
SAP S/4 Hana
The Department of International Development,
(DFID) UK, have parteneredwith us in our
“happy farmers” program - our flagship program
since 2011 - to train farmers on the best
dairy practices, cattle management and clean
milk production which would significantly
better the quality of milk, and impact their
lives by increasing their income levels
The third season of the Milky Moo East Zone
Junior Golf Championship, in association with
the Indian Golf Union, was conducted at
Kolkata. Focusing on nutrition & health, we
aimed to make the kids and adults realize the
role of pure food on their holistic
On May 3rd, we were in the eye of the worst
cyclone ever, when cyclone Fani hit Odisha,
damaging infrastructure and disrupting
operations, across our core operating areas of
Puri and Bhubaneswar. With detailed planning
and commitment of our Moo team, we were able
to bounce back and restore limited operations
within 48 hrs. We were committed to our
vision, to help our communities - from
distributing essential foods immediately &
solar lamps, providing monetary aid for
rebuilding houses, to supporting disaster
management teams & affected homes of our
Milk Mantra and SrikumarMisra have been
awarded as laureate of the prestigious McNulty
Prize. The award was decided by a high profile
jury and given by former secretary of state
Madeleine Albright at Aspen, Colorado, USA.
SrikumarMisra writes on the Indian dairy
market, the RCEP, skyrocketing SMP prices and
on solving the disincentivization to farmers
due to lopsided incentives that have caused
disproportionate growth in dairy farming in
states like Gujarat at the cost of farmers in
other parts of the country.
Our work was covered as part of a unique
collection of contemporary case studies,
charting exciting journeys matching purpose &
profit. The book showcases the emergence of an
entrepreneurial route to solve India’s
deep-rooted agri value chain.
Backed with a tech backbone; strengthening our
core ethical sourcing network, we took a major
step in Nov'19 by reducing the payment cycle
to farmers, from 10 days to just 5 days -
perhaps the first dairy co to have taken this
bold step which will go a long way in
incentivizing farmers to ensure they adhere to
100% purity of milk & cattle care and make
dairy a significant contributor to their
Establishing sports as a platform to promote a
healthy way of living, we had the 2nd season
of the Milky Moo Tennis Championship, at the
Moo Courts, CDTA Cuttack. Several enthusiastic
kids participated from Odisha, Kolkata,
Telengana and Andhra Pradesh.